The Romanian Young Academy (RYA) follows the example of Die Junge Akademie (German Young Academy) hosted by the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW). RYA thus offers financial and logistic support to Romanian outstanding early-career researchers from both within the country and from abroad and to foreign researchers who are active in research in Romania, in an attempt to empower them to make a difference in both frontier research and civic engagement through a constant transfer of knowledge from academia to society. It also functions as an independent think tank proposing viable solutions for future public policies regarding increasingly complex problems appearing at a global scale. It is a flexible platform for both individual and collaborative independent interdisciplinary research and civic action. It allows researchers to be mobile and offers them numerous networking possibilities all over the world through close contacts with RYA’s own network of advisers and reviewers and with both peers and senior academics from the Junge Akademie in Berlin, other Young Academies worldwide, and the Global Young Academy.